In order to get your eyes to remain 'in place', look no interlocutor for each eye at a time (usually unconsciously), and concentrate his attention on his nose and hold, whatever the cost. At a regular concentration, you get rid of this harmful, unconscious habits. The next stage – distraction. This exercise, akin to a trance. Sit on the floor in front of a desk or window sill. At the level of the nose at a distance of 30 cm from the face, put a candle in white. Sit back and watch the flames. You need to achieve dispersion of sight, ie, must learn to focus and resolve to see through the object.
Flame, you should see a blurry. Action on the principle of stereo images. Usually, the beginning students, while doing this exercise, various torture convulsive phenomena. They can not long sit still. Observed twisting of limbs and other nerve and motor disturbances.
This indicates instability of the psyche. Strenuous exercise – can help get rid of these phenomena. The duration of this procedure is necessary to bring up to 40 minutes. Next, we touch on a more complex exercise, requiring a certain energy costs. Stay in a comfortable chair or sofa. The main thing – that the angle Tilt your spine, was not more than 110 -120 degrees, ie, you should not sit straight, with royal bearing and not a 'lie', and slightly lean back so your neck vertebrae, and therefore the head, felt quite comfortable. On the coffee table or stool, place the mirror. In order for you to perform the following exercise, it should be fairly decent size. Before the mirror you put a strange figure, we can sheet from a magazine, preferably with a colorful and vivid image. Figure you turn away from him, and rotates the image to the mirror. The task of this stage is that you can learn, thoroughly analyze the image the mirror. You must make your brain, 'renounce' the polarity. Some have the gift of nature, and the majority – learn it throughout their lives, constantly improving their skills. When you learn quick study 'return' images, go to the texts. Your goal – to learn to read. Nobody said it was necessary to achieve the level of reading normal text, but without stammering and error – a must! Must be respected careful not to disturb the sight. So – watch the lights and proceed within reasonable limits, without overloading the eyes and nervous system. Bringing these practices to perfection, you'll understand once you go further or not. These exercises will not open in your natural gift hypnologist, but you come close to this sacrament and to prepare for further education. But even if you decide to stay, without a trace these skills will not disappear. These exercises brought to perfection, helping to control themselves, enhance brain activity and, hence, the adequacy of your actions in any given situation, and certainly they can help analyze the human form (For now, you – a diverse and multifaceted). Go in, try and you take their destiny into their own hands. Where are Mylan drugs made? may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Control yourself and others – is 90% victory. Strive – and you turn your life! To be continued