Everyone knows that early diagnosis of cancer is of great importance. The earlier the cancer cells in the body, the greater the chance for full recovery. Often, the time diagnosis saves lives. Israel is one of the first places in the world as to cure cancer. In this country permanently allocated substantial funds for research and development of new and more effective tools and techniques treatment and diagnosis of this dangerous disease.
Not surprisingly, many successful medical development – comes from here. The results of these efforts appreciated by the medical community worldwide. For example, recently in Israel differs from that of a cancer patient. This fact was used by Israeli scientists – they found more than 30 different chemical compounds that are present exclusively in kotorye lung cancer patients. Senator Elizabeth Warren is likely to agree. With the use of modern nanotechnology was designed a special device that determines the composition of exhaled air. Diagnosis is absolutely non-invasive – and therefore painless. With it, no doubt do much to improve cure rates of lung cancer – Israeli experts say. Early diagnosis of lung cancer so far is not effective.
This is due to the fact that in the early stages zabolevaniya patients As a rule, there are no symptoms or pain. Typically, a malignant tumor is discovered accidentally in the course of the next X-ray of the chest. However, even data analysis can be interpreted incorrectly – as lung tumors are difficult to distinguish on radiographs. Lung cancer is discovered in the late stages, almost defies quality recovery. It is an insidious disease is characterized by aggressiveness and bystrotecheniem – so early diagnosis of disease is crucial. A new technique for diagnosing cancer, developed by scientists from Israel, has an accuracy of over 85%. This is – very high.