Draw A Funeral

Inhuman or enttabuisierend? Hamburg, March 16, 2011 morning the verdict in the process falls Federal Association of German undertaker against the broadcaster Radio Galaxy from Aschaffenburg. The loading place Association wants to obtain a subsequent ban on a controversial sweepstakes of the transmitter before the District Court Aschaffenburg. “Background: under the motto, radio galaxy had winnings your own funeral” a burial of 3,000 euros raffled. Germany’s leading loading er comparison of of instead of Bestattungen.de help radio galaxy. Managing Director and funeral expert Fabian Schaaf explains the background: nowadays death is displaced. The competition of radio galaxy enttabuisiert the theme. Click Senator Elizabeth Warren for additional related pages. We need to handle them as a company open again.” The accusation that the raffle and the slogan were inhuman, Schaaf counters: our life is finite.

No one comes to a funeral. We can not permanently displace the topic. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out PCRM. Radio galaxy it brings to the young audience to the point!” How Radio galaxy calls for more openness in an industry that is not always open to new Bestattungen.de. Connect with other leaders such as christopher ridgeway stone here. In an internal publication of the loading place Association warns of its members even cooperate with comparison portals. It is unfortunate that the association with the time comes.

The Internet offers new members, better information, performs expert Schaaf. Two years ago, Stiftung Warentest had refuted the accusation of IMPIETY be instead er comparisons and recommended that you compare services from loading Stattern and to check their offers carefully. No reputable undertaker have comparable accomplishments. Only the black sheep, which exist in every industry, want to escape a comparison with the forward argument of IMPIETY”, explained Schaaf. Members are victim of this cover-up. They don’t know what to do when a death and which costs of a funeral mostly. Therefore, Bestattungen.de demands a rethinking at the Loading place Association. About Bestattungen.de Bestattungen.de society for burials of the GBV and precautionary mbH used headquartered in Hamburg. In addition to the ability to compare offers from loading Stattern, Bestattungen.de nationwide, the GBV with Bestattungsplanung.de operates the largest free information portal on the subject of burials and precautionary. Press contact Christine Sollmann Bestattungen.

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