Familiar that she has the carrying children can come across themselves with support in diverse dedicated institutions consequentemente to clarify, to collaborate, to take care of and to perfect the techniques as well as the procedures in relation to the cares with the carriers of the syndrome of Down, thus occasioning a significant improvement in the treatment and in the development of these children. Although the technological advances, not yet if know the cause of this genetic alteration, but it is possible to affirm that responsibility of the father or the mother in the sprouting of the deficiency does not exist, nor with the use of medicines or drugs during the gestation. Many barriers come been burst for the carriers of this deficiency, therefore it has people with the S.D studying, working, living alone, arriving ace university. In Brazil, the woman with the syndrome oldest of the world died recently, Dilma Teixeira (1934-2007), with 74 years. This test esteem that it of life that did not pass of the 30 40 years, comes being surpassed, but what the necessary society really to surpass is the convivncia with the proper Syndrome of Down and the effect generated for the same one.
Necessary to give due importance to the fragilities of the carriers as a deficiency any and accepted them respecting them as human that they sufficiently possess arisen sensitivity and must seriously be analyzed. With this, it does not constitute to say that she is necessary to isolate them of the too much people who do not possess the syndrome, therefore the insertion is part of the development of them, detaching its behavior front to excessively. The analyzed objectives are: to verify the performance of the professional of nursing with the carriers of deficiencies, the resources used for a good exploitation in the development of the deficient ones to analyze which with syndrome of Down, as well as knowing the biggest difficulties found in dealing directly with the carriers.