Owning ferrets must be very attentive to the condition of their animals. If you suddenly notice that your ferret has started vomiting, he became lethargic, a chair is not a normal form (containing mucus), decreased body temperature and disappeared appetite. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Assurant Health. One must be very careful – perhaps a weasel obstruction of digestive tract foreign body. Patrick matthews contributes greatly to this topic. Many ferrets are not indifferent to such materials as rubber, rubber, latex, often chew them and swallow the pieces, that can clog the lumen of the esophagus and pose a serious threat to life. Unsafe and pieces of fruit, especially dried. Bone fruits and berries, nuts and seeds. There are cases clogging raw potatoes, carrots, and even persimmon.
Therefore we must be especially careful giving your pet a treat. This refers to any hard fruit and vegetables. Some ferrets like to eat the rope and rags, cardboard, items of cork. It happens that a foreign body comes out with the feces, but in some cases, getting stuck in the small intestine, causing severe pain and no surgical intervention may lead to death within 1-2 days. Therefore, in case of suspicion of obstruction, do not pull the time! It is in this case is against you and the animal "dies" for a few hours. I recommend immediately take the animal to a veterinary clinic.
Or call the doctor, what would he advise you on the scheme of action. The most frequently encountered foreign bodies in the stomach or small intestine. For the diagnosis of foreign body in the clinic to do X-rays.