Citizens Documents

In the first quarter of 2009, the Czech Consulate Czech Having reported on the successfully raising funds for the services of the consulate, a bunch of failures by issuing long-term visas and non-infringement by the number assigned and issued visas to view .Konsulstvo Czech Republic in Munich, also taken in this between documents and to issue visas with a residence permit. It can be noted only that the opportunity to apply, for example, for Russian citizens in Germany has the possibility of 1% of all wishing to obtain residence permits. Binding condition for obtaining a visa in Munich in 2008 was the mandatory presence of an alien when filing documents and obtaining a visa. Another Czech Consulate in Munich, required the mandatory presence of children no matter what age. Arbitrariness on the part of Czech consulates in different countries of Europe makes the wonder and conclude that the uniform policy does not exist and all violations of the consular go to them with arms, as explained and explain the reasons for rejection or acceptance of documents not required to give any employee of the consulate. Most depressing of all new policy of the Czech government lack of desire to understand that among the total number of Citizens wishing to obtain a residence permit, there are people for whom this solves the problem of status of residence in the Czech Republic with his family, loved ones, to work in the Czech Republic, and most importantly legal residence in the Czech Republic.

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