Cellular Injury

The incomplete BIRD if it characterizes for cellular injury (loss of neurons), more not cystic pan-necrosis. Having the complete BIRD, the fabric additional in the vascular distribution will not run risk and could be considered the Prophylaxis. It is extremely difficult to distinguish between complete and incomplete Birds having as base the clinical findings, mainly during the first ones you make of a BIRD. Plus this distinction as practical substance, in general it is based on the fact of patient to present the manifestations of the common syndromes of BIRD. For Brunner & Sudadarth ‘ ‘ The vascular accidents cerebral tromboticos of small armor-piercing arteries affect one or more vases and constitute the type most common of cerebral vascular accident isqumico’ ‘. Fisiopatologia of the Agency With the rupture of the cerebral sanguineous flow which had the blockage of a sanguineous vase, what the BIRD characterizes ischemic, initiates a complex series of cellular events related with the ischemic cascade. The ischemic cascade has beginning from the reduction of cerebral sanguineous flow, when this falls low of 25mL /100 g min.

In this putting the neurons they are disabled to keep the aerbica breath, then the mitocndrias move for the anaerbica breath, what it generates great amount of acid lctico leading to an alteration in the level of pH (BRUNNER & SUDDARTH, 2005). The mitocndrias have as main function the ATP formation, is organelas gifts in all the eucariticas cells and bes situated in intracellular small farms where it has greater energy necessity. One knows that: The carboidratos and lipdeos, mainly the glucose and acid the greasy ones, are the main substances broken for the cellular breath. The glucose is broken in citosol in a called process gliclise, where if form two molecules of acid pirvico, liberating a certain amount of energy (four molecules of ATP), produces two molecules of NADH2 and consuming oxygen.

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