The situation is not surprising. After all, Chinese and all Asian needles suffered "chronic" diseases: – needles were not of high quality, meaning they were not sharp enough and polished as required by that complicated the work of any of the knowledgeable professionals at this vulnerable and inhomogeneous material as the skin of a human face – even in the same party could be a tattoo-needles of varying quality and size. Faced with "European challenge" and losing a major part of their own positions, some time ago, Chinese companies are suppliers of made a counter-offensive. All this has led to the fact that in the opinion of the world's leading professionals in the this area, Chinese companies are today managed to get rid of the many shortcomings inherent in their products. In general, the level of Chinese needle meets global standards. The past, however the Chinese passivity in improve significantly undermined their position. And this is reflected in the fact that trying to catch up with the Germans in quality, they have lost time, while Europeans have moved to the manufacture of devices for tatuazhanovogo generation.
AND process with the marginalization of the Chinese world, including Russia's, markets, tattooing equipment is despite an increase in the level of product quality in the latter. It is also important to note that German suppliers to deal with Chinese competitors have used another well-known, but very generally successful method of competition. About ten years ago they started to produce needle-nozzle are compatible with the "Chinese hands", and the price close to the Chinese. Accustomed to the customers of their products, they are thrown out in recent years to market a new efficient and high quality equipment that has reduced demand for both legacy devices system with nozzle-needle, and the simple tattoo needles as such. The Russian market of equipment and tools for the tattoo in the 90s and nowadays almost completely divided between Asian (especially Chinese) and European (primarily German) manufacturers. Global trends in almost one hundred per cent projected for him. Hence the changes that have taken place in the world market have a direct tattooing equipment and attitude towards our country.
Speaking on a purely technological aspect, it is necessary to mention that today all the special needles for tattooing, have a special sharpener shaped like a, a rifle bullet, and the finish polishing, notes that all well made surgical equipment. All this makes it possible to exactly prick pigment under the skin with the microscopic traumatic. Any specialist will confirm how it should be at work with customers. Today in our market you can get two versions of folding sanitary modules: – Module for tattoo machines and Simfoni Amiea – and a module for tattoo machine Amiea Linelle Supreme and Mona Liza. For them, apply for a needle apparatus of Nozzle-Needle