
A 35, married with a child, has taken in addition for retirement yet. What would he do?” Who did not yet for the private insurance, should first check the entry into a company pension plan. As a general rule: not all eggs in one basket set, but wide spread. Learn more about what you wanted to know has always been on the subject of post-employment benefits. A good mix of all other words: Should aim at building a portfolio diversified across asset classes, industries and countries with a good mix of yield and risk. Industries that benefit from the demographic changes, such as health and education are interesting.

The investment risk with increasing age should be reduced and shifted the focus to the securing of already saved and interest capital. Take advantage of any promotion! The employee should be itself make it clear that he is heading for consistent private behavior on three very positive developments: he belongs to a generation, the longest Life expectancy has after finding gainful employment. Own retirement never has been the case is so lucrative Government-funded as it is today. This allows a relatively high standard of living in the age when private action. So my advice: you should use all savings, to take the highest promotion. Two ways are offered, which can be taken Alternatively or together. 1.

in consultation with the employer, a part of the gross salary, tax may and until 2008 social security free, retirement plans are laid back. For the next 30 years, annually all deposits remain also the interest on the capital – tax – and make equity capital. Currently up to 4320 euros can be used on tax-free for a company pension plan. 2. until 2007 to 1575 euros can be saved from 2008 2100 euro from taxed money. The State shall facilitate this saving by 114 EUR (154 euros as of 2008) for employees and 138 euro for the child (185 euros as of 2008). A separate contract the Spouse is encouraged in addition. Sandra Wagner

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